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Sichuan Chongzhou Hengda Electronic Factory

All Products >> core

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Specification: HDB
Detail: o Characteristics: &©|61607; Minimal effect on transmission waveforms &©|61607; Countermeasures right at the data lines &©|61607; Can be added as first-aid &©|61607; On the spot countermeasures when equipment or devices fa...

ferrite core
ferrite core
Specification: sillicon core
Detail: Manganese-Zinc type ferrite core transformers are used for a wide variety of communication and power applications such as switching power supplies, filters, converters and inverters, adjustable inductors, and other high freque...

toroidal core
toroidal core
Specification: sillicon core
Detail: 1.low price but high quality 2. ***ce Savings 3. Improved Efficiency 4. Limiting Losses Small volume, high load efficiency, low temperature rise, low power loss and stable function
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